
'Tis a Bliss to Be Simple

"Our countries don't like each other", I think as I stare at the photo of a

Middle Eastern woman, head covered in royal blue,

standing outside her one-hundred-square-foot mansion.


"Blessed are the poor." Blessed indeed! For

such a look of unadulterated bliss I have

never seen - certainly not on the face of

anyone in a top tax bracket.


What reason has she to be so deliriously happy?

What reason has she not to be so deliriously happy?

As she holds a fragrant leaf to her nose, her brain

sends waves of pleasure throughout her being. As the

sun massages her epidermis, a lilting breeze

mothers her aching bones. Beyond words

she senses the Universe loves her because she is

able to register this moment of pure, simple bliss.


Why does happiness have to be complicated?


The Buddha was asked, "Are you a god?

A reincarnation of a god? A wizard?"

He said, "No."

"What are you then?"

The Buddha replied, "Awake."


In the unlikely event I am ever asked similar questions,

I hope to simply reply: "Happy."